Fly Facts & Information

Safeguard your home or business from flies with expert identification and control techniques with Unity fly removal services

fly removal services unity property & pest


Types of Flies

What do flies look like?

North America is home to over 16,000 species of flies, all belonging to the order Diptera, which means “two wings.” Due to their two-winged structure, flies land frequently, depositing thousands of bacteria with each landing. Due to this fly removal services are always in high demand.


How do I get rid of flies?

What Unity Property & Pest Does

Fun fact: flies inhabit every part of the world except the polar ice caps. Given their prevalence, it’s essential to know how to handle a fly infestation in your home or business. From garbage flies to horse flies, understanding their lifespan, diet, and attractions is crucial for proper identification. A Unity Property & Pest professional can create a custom fly treatment program to help you effectively eliminate flies.

The best way to repel flies is through simple, strategic measures, and a Unity Property & Pest exterminator can provide the ideal solution to keep flies out of your home. To learn more about controlling flies and preventing future infestations, contact Unity Property & Pest for a fly removal service today!

Frequently Asked Questions

Homeowners may encounter flies in various ways. These insects can enter homes on food products (such as fruit flies) or drift in through open windows and doors. They may also be attracted to and develop in decaying organic matter found in drains. Flies can infest dead animals in walls, attics, or other hidden areas inside the home. Some species prefer to overwinter indoors and are drawn to sunny parts of the home and upper floors of buildings.

Flies are often associated with filth, causing disgust and annoyance among homeowners. These pests can transmit disease organisms when they come into contact with food and kitchen surfaces. Additionally, certain fly species can deliver painful bites to humans and animals. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, flies contaminate or destroy $10 billion worth of agricultural products annually.


A single fly’s gut can harbor millions of microorganisms, while half a billion more can swarm over its body and legs. Flies spread diseases efficiently as they move quickly from rotting, disease-laden garbage to exposed human foods and utensils. Every time a fly lands, it deposits thousands of microbes that can cause serious illnesses, such as:

  • Bloodstream infections
  • Diarrhea
  • Food poisoning
  • Meningitis

More than 100 pathogens are associated with house flies, including Salmonella, Staphylococcus, E. coli, and Shigella. These pathogens can cause various diseases in humans and animals, including:

  • Cholera
  • Bacillary dysentery
  • Hepatitis
  • Typhoid fever

The best way to repel flies is through simple, preventive measures. Limit their access to your home by keeping doors and windows closed. Consider screening windows, doors, and vents. Ensure garbage cans are clean and securely closed. Additionally, maintaining clean surfaces will make your home less attractive to flies. For optimal results, contact a Unity Property & Pest professional to discuss fly extermination options.

Flies plague every part of the world except the polar ice caps. Flies prefer warm temperatures and are most active from late spring to early autumn.

Although it varies by species, flies typically consume organic filth and waste, sugary substances, overripe produce, and other organic materials. When flies feed on waste, they collect pathogens on their legs and mouths, which are then transferred to food on tables or counters when they land. Flies regurgitate on solid food to liquefy it before consuming it. They can transmit diseases through vomiting, grooming, or simply walking on surfaces.

The development of flies involves a four-phase life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Depending on the species, a fly’s life expectancy ranges from eight days to two months, or in some cases, up to a year.

One pair of flies can produce over 1 million offspring through their offsprings’ offspring within a few weeks.


The life cycle begins when a fertilized female locates a suitable site for laying her eggs, ideally a material the larvae will consume upon hatching. Common egg-laying sites include piles of trash, feces, or other damp, decomposing organic matter. Fertilized eggs may hatch within 24 hours.


Upon hatching, larvae feed on the organic material, consuming it for several days to weeks and storing enough protein and nutrients for the pupal stage.


When fully grown, larvae leave their food source and seek dry, dark places to pupate. During the pupal stage, flies transform from legless larvae into adults with six legs, compound eyes, and a pair of wings.


The development time from egg to adult varies based on species, environmental conditions, and food availability. Some flies can complete their development in just a couple of weeks if conditions are favorable.


Understanding Fly Problems

The more you know about flies, the better you can predict and control their behavior. Here are some quick facts to guide you.


Cockroaches belong to the Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda, Class Insecta, and Order Blattaria. Some species invade human dwellings and are considered pests.

Risk of Disease

Pest cockroaches can carry various diseases because they are commonly found near waste deposits or in kitchens where food is present.

Environmental Impact

Some cockroaches benefit the environment by serving as important recyclers of decaying organic material.

Life Expectancy

Depending on the species, a fly’s life expectancy ranges from eight days to two months, and in some cases, up to a year.

Reproduction Potential

One pair of flies can produce over 1 million offspring through their descendants in just a few weeks.


Biting flies feed on blood, attacking humans and other animals as food sources. Some are capable of transmitting diseases through their feeding habits.


Horse flies, some of the largest flies in the world, are common throughout North America and inflict extremely painful bites.

Flies and Pets

While filth flies, like the common house fly, are attracted to offal and manure, biting flies will actively irritate pets. Large populations can significantly impact your pet’s health.

Feeding and Breeding Sites

Identifying feeding and breeding sites can help determine the type of infestation. These sites should be eliminated as soon as they are found.



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